just a thought, ngga jelas

Joyeux Anniversaire

It’s official. It’s October 19th again which means I am another year older. Blessed to see another year.

Since today is the oldest I’ve ever been and the youngest I’ll ever be again, I want to thank you for those who’s celebrate today with me. Tho’ I’m a weirdo, I want to thank you for having me around you. Thank you for all birthday wishes that you all sent to me. Please bear with me for another years to come.


can't get this out of my head, just a thought

Hello, 2015


Mau kayak orang-orang ah. Bikin tulisan flash back 2014, trus nulis mau ngapain aja gitu tahun ini.. Heheheheheh. 😝

One major leap from last year was actually I’ve change job again. Not actually change the background, but the decision to go into big stable company instead of move to another (digital) agency or a start-up company as I’ve planned before, made a real big change in my life. In a good way, anyway. More team works, more experience. Ga ada ada lagi begadang, lembur, (hampir) nginep di kantor dan lain sebagainya itu. Jam kerja jadi teratur. More time for families. Jeleknya, karena hidup saya jadi lebih teratur, saya menggendut. Banget. Tergendut yang pernah ada seumur hidup saya. Bhahahahahahak. Jeleknya lagi, malah jadi ngga sempet ngeblog teratur. Di kantor ga sempet, di rumah udah kudu ngurusin Vio lah. Paling bisa tengah malem, kalo saya belum (bisa) tidur dan ngga keasikan main game. 😂 😂

Other than that, not much. I wasn’t travel much as well last year due to that new job. But still, I met new people, loose some too as they decide to go. But hey, that’s life, no? 😁

Tahun ini pengen ngapain?

Hmmmmm… meet more new people, more stable life, more (good) surprises… and oh! the good news is, got my annual leave this year! Yay! As I put my 2015 wishes on the beach so the waves could save it with them, I’VE PLAN FOR MORE BEACHES TO VISIT THIS YEAR! 😂😂😂

Kalian udah bikin rencana apa aja tahun ini?

can't get this out of my head, lagi mellow

Dear Me, You Still Here..

Dear Me,

You are one year older today. It’s been some full years since you vowed to kill your heart, and yet, you’re still here.

Still meet the beautiful morning

Still smell the nice coffee

Still full blessing from all the lovely friends that matter

Oh well..

Happy birthday! Let’s survive for another year ahead and start a brand new day, no?



can't get this out of my head, Music, ngga jelas

Falling In Love at The Coffee Shop


I think that possibly, maybe I’m falling for you
Yes, there’s a chance that I’ve fallen quite hard over you

We all dream of finding the one person who loves the same things we do, don’t we? Kemudian saya mulai berkisah tentang mimpi saya untuk cinta jatuh di sebuah coffee shop, pada secangkir skim latte dan sebuah buku yang tergeletak sembarangan karena ditinggalkan pemiliknya demi sebuah percakapan, beberapa tahun yang lalu. Continue reading “Falling In Love at The Coffee Shop”

iseng!, just a thought, ngga jelas


Tau ga sih..

bahwa setiap enam puluh detik yang kita habiskan dengan kemarahan, kesedihan dan kekecewaan adalah setiap menit penuh kebahagiaan yang ngga akan pernah ada lagi?

Sadar ga sih…

bahwa hidup ini singkat.. jadi, mari lah kita bersenang-senang, memaafkan untuk seseorang yang mungkin tidak sengaja berbuat salah, mencintai dengan tulus, tertawa gila-gilaan, dan tidak pernah menyesali hal-hal yang telah membuat kita tersenyum senang. Kan ga dilarang… :mrgreen:

Well ya… hidup ini mungkin bukan sebuah pesta seperti yang kita harapkan… cuma mumpung kita masih bisa berada di sini ga ada salahnya kan kalo kita joget-joget…