Curhat Colongan, just a thought, ngga jelas

There She Goes

Birthdays usually make me nostalgic. They make me contemplative. They put me in the mood to evaluate where I’ve been and where I am and where I want to go.  They remind me that everybody is getting older and that time is passing and that life goes on even though we are all going to die eventually.

Well, I’m joking about the last part. Heheh. But somehow I feel it’s true.

Di sela-sela contemplating saya sehari sebelum ulang tahun saya kemarin, saya mendadak inget sama seorang teman dari jaman kuliah dulu yang ngga pernah tau kapan dia tepatnya dia ulang tahun. Yang dia tau cuma dia berasal suatu daerah dari Indonesia Timur. Paling timur malah. Dan bukan kota. Mungkin administrasi di sana belum terlalu bagus sehingga tidak pernah tercatat kapan dia lahir tepatnya. Jadi waktu dia butuh bikin passport, dia harus bikin suatu tanggal yang dia pilih sendiri sebagai tanggal ulang tahun dia di dalam dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan. Mengingat itu, membuat saya berpikir bagaimana tanggal-tanggal (yang kadang-kadang) buatan kita sendiri itu bisa dan seberapa banyak kita “mengizinkan” tanggal-tanggal tersebut mengatur hidup kita, sejak dari awal.

Coba kita bikin list, agak susah kayaknya untuk tidak melekatkan makna pada beberapa tanggal seperti malam tahun baru dan hari ibu. Dan daftar tanggal penting itu akan terus bertambah: tanggal lulus kuliah, tanggal nikah, tanggal divorce, tanggal kelahiran anak, tanggal masuk sekolah, dan sebagainya dan sebagainya. We even vaguely anticipate how long we’ll live by examining the life expectancy statistics of men and women in our country. Haha.

All of these dates contribute to a feeling that we’re almost entitled to something, to the idea that life will work out just so, in an organized manner and time-frame.

Well, ngga kayak tahun-tahun sebelumnya, sebenernya lagi ngga pengen nulis apa-apa soalnya ulang tahun tahun ini Cuma tadi tertohok dengan pertanyaan seorang teman yang tiba-tiba melontarkan pertanyaan retorikal ngga mutu: “you really don’t like being social, do you?”. Saya mendadak terdiam, lalu cengengesan dan menjawab “you know me so well!”

I realized along this time, I have been pretending to be a socialite because it was the only way I thought I would be accepted. Call me stupid. Well, I am.

But I’ve finally made the decision that I no longer care if I am accepted. Beberapa bulan terakhir, kalo pada nyadar sih, I dismiss almost all the invitation to “this and that” just because I don’t really feel comfortable to come. I just enjoy having a good time with a few good friend. Other than that, I am prefer to be laying under a tree reading a book in the forest or in an empty field, or just laying in the sunshine napping while the rays warm my skin, listening to the quiet sounds of nature around me at night while laying under a vast sky of white twinkling stars. Dan saya ngga butuh tanggal-tanggal buatan khusus whatsoever untuk itu. Ehe.

Curhat Colongan, lagi mellow, ngga jelas

When in Doubt…

Let me say this. I woke up this morning with some mixed funny feeling that hard to described. That feeling when you don’t even know what the f*ck you’re feeling.

Woke up? Kayak pernah tidur lebih dari setengah jam aja. 

Ya gitu. Kayak abis lari-lari. Ntah dari apa. Lari sejauh mungkin yang saya bisa.

That’s not new. You have been keep doing that lately. 

Well, maybe because I feel this life(-love) has been unsustainable and I have no reason to stay. Any reasons I could come up with are immaterial and, ultimately, wishful thinking. 😐

Well, c’mon! You’ve done it before, Chi. You know you’re capable of starting over. For example, you would be able to keep the same job or even get paid better if you moved to a certain somewhere. It’s just a house. It’s just stuff. It’s just a heart that has been so damn broken but still fully functional, no? And you are still breathing!

Some says, you are you wherever you go.

We never stay, and in the end, we lose everyone.

And the blame is on my self. I know you are gonna say how silly I am on keep doing on the same mistake, but I can’t help it! My heart that really so damn broken still need some certainty. Not that unworthy and unwanted feeling. I know I am doing wrong and I am regret that.

So now what? Wait for the email telling you it’s over? Wait for another saying if you can stay? Wait for another telling you if there’s any option other than burning it all down again?


Just keep waiting. It’s what you’re best at.

No. I’m not best of waiting. I’m best of hiding myself and faking a smile. And will do all over again.

and that’s what will broke you from inside.

I will be okay. Like, always.

…………….. Ngga capek?

Capek? I’m exhausted! Tapi siapa yang peduli. Well, now go. Ngapain masih balik-balik ke sini?!

Kamu tau banget kenapa saya masih di sini. You fighting a war inside your head every single day. If that’s not exhausting, I don’t know what it is.

…………………. I’m fighting the feeling trying to convince my head (and my heart) that everything was okay.

You know timing has a lot to do with everything, don’t you?

Please. You know I’m fighting YOU and saya ngga tau kenapa saya masih mendebat kamu sekarang. Get. Out. Of. My. Head! 😐

just a thought, lagi mellow, ngga jelas

Maybe You

I’ve been sleeping better but having more terrible dreams. I don’t know. It just a flash feeling of being forgotten more and more until it vanish. Totally. There’s a karma of sleeping with your heart full of doubt, your head full of question and waking up feeling awful.

the messages that left unreturned

the warning sign that left not conveyed

the question that left tongue tied





and every time the doorbell rings, I still run.

My face above the water
My feet can’t touch the ground,
Touch the ground, and it feels like
I can see the sands on the horizon
Everytime you are not around
(waves – mr. probz)

Curhat Colongan, ngga jelas, Seputar Kedodolan

Dear Brain..


Dear Brain,

Apa kabar kamu? Lagi capek ya?

Sebenernya apa sih yang terjadi dengan kemampuanmu untuk melihat dan mengingat? Dulu kamu ngga pernah gagal deh rasanya membantu mencatat setiap nomor telfon yang perlu saya hafal dan mengingatnya kembali sehari kemudian. Dulu kamu selalu bisa mendukung saya dengan cepat menyerap semua memory yang perlu diingat dan mempertahankan setiap detailnya sampai berbulan-bulan kemudian.

Sekarang, cuma buat sebuah multitaksing sederhana aja kamu harus berjuang mati-matian. Sama sekali ngga bisa mengingat suatu hal yang penting sementara kamu membuat tangan saya mengerjakan hal yang lainnya. 😐

Sekarang kamu juga ngga bisa menetap di satu fokus, malah berputar-putar secara konstan ke hal-hal yang saya ngga mau ingat sementara saya harus berkonsentrasi pada hal lainnya. 😐

Hey brain, kamu sedang tidak mencoba menyabotase saya kan? Atau memang cuma capek aja? Perlu istirahat yang panjang gitu? 🙄

Saya sudah mencoba menghentikan siklus ini lho ya… Tapi kamu tetep aja mengejar-ngejar saya dengan hingar bingar ketika apa yang saya cari adalah ketenangan.


Please brain.. pay attention to one thing at a time, yes? And please stop making me swing out of control. 

Capek tauk! 😈

Your Beloved Soul.