ngga jelas



Although purple and orange are my favorite color, when speaking of fashion I know usually they doesn’t go together. But when they become a cusion on the sofa, they are really attractive. Contrast, but suit each other. They are able to add color on the gray boring sofa and to the overall room. 😀

Take this picture when I was stay at Maya Hotel, Kuala Lumpur couples months ago. Love it. :mrgreen:

9 thoughts on “Contrast”

  1. Ungu dan Oranye itu kalo di lingkaran warna berada pada kategori sekunder.
    Ungu itu paduan Merah dan Biru, sementara Oranye itu paduan Merah dan Kuning.

    Jadi, memang cocok apabila dipadukan — untuk interior. Tapi, kadang ga cocok kalo dibuat outfit.. :mrgreen:


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